The School Teacher

February 23, 2025 | Memoir Prompts
The School Teacher

My focus today was all about memories related to school and in particular school teachers that made a difference in my life.

Mr. Roberts, Year 5. He wore corduroy jackets with leather elbow patches and had a moustache that twitched when he was trying not to laugh. He was the first teacher who made me believe I could write. Instead of marking my stories with just a grade, he'd write detailed notes in the margins - real feedback, real encouragement.

One day, he read my story about a magical library to the whole class. I was mortified at first, then proud. "Writers," he said, "need readers." That moment changed something in me.

Mrs Henderson, Year 10. She gave up her lunchtimes to help me with Human Biology. I didn't want to take Biology and I was the only person in my year to focus on Human Biology. I had her attention nearly every lunchtime for the whole school year.

She taught me what it was to help people. To dedicate your time to making a difference to someone. To fostering and encouraging education in someone.

Today's Memoir Prompt: Describe a teacher who influenced your life, for better or worse.

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